And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.” (John 10:16, KJV)

The young woman attending us at the fish section of a grocery store was very quick to listen and to serve the customer. Wondering if she might be ready to hear about Jesus, I asked God to help me know what to say. Before I finished asking, my eyes went to the cap she was wearing.

“Are you a Christian?” I asked.

“No,” she straightforwardly responded.

“Oh, I noticed that your cap has a fish and a cross on it,” I said.

“Ah, yes, the fish is for the fish market, and the plus sign is for what more you can buy here,” she explained.

I started laughing. “My goodness. I thought that the fish sign is for a Christian and the cross is for Jesus,” I said.

“Ah, I see,” she said.

“Do you know Jesus?” I asked her.

“No, I have no religion,” she replied.

I began a conversation: “God loves you, and He wants you to know Him personally, not a religion. Do you think you might be interested in knowing Him?”

“I don’t know how I would do that,” she explained.

“I can help you if you want,” I said.

She finished wrapping the fish and handed them to my husband. He knew what God was up to, so he walked a few steps ahead and waited nearby. I was not sure if she would give any more attention to what I was saying, but I waited for the young woman’s response.

“Yes, I would like that,” she said.

“Would you like for me to pray with you to ask Jesus to be your Saviour?” I asked.

“Yes, I would,” she said, as she leaned over the counter to hear me.

We prayed, and she believed in Jesus. She thanked Him for His love for her. She prayed for the forgiveness of her sins at the cross and gave herself to Him for His glory. After we were done, she smiled wide-eyed and thanked me.

“Do you have a Bible?” I asked her.

“No, I don’t,” she said.

“I will get one for you,” I told her. I ran to the car and got a Bible. I wrapped it in one of the store’s light green see-through bags used for vegetables and fruits, so she would not get in trouble at work.

I went back to the fish counter, and, thankfully, there were no customers. I handed her the bag with the Bible. She looked at the bag and through it saw that the book was a Bible. She took it, looked at me with so much excitement, and thanked me.

“Abba, Father, it is not every day that you run into someone who says that they have no religion. You could tell that she was completely empty. You had kept her from it all just for Your Son. You wanted her for Your Son—Jesus. And You, Jesus, wanted her for Yourself. You used the cap that she was wearing to help me start a conversation about You. And You, Holy Spirit, had prepared her to hear about Jesus. She was so willing to pray, so willing to believe.  She’s Yours now, Jesus. Glory!”