“And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you” (John 16:22 KJV).

We were at the fish section at the grocery store. When I looked at the man who would attend to us, I knew in my heart he was ready for the gospel, but there was an acrylic wall between the customers and attendants for social distancing because of the coronavirus. This made it difficult to be heard, and I could not go around the counter.

What do I do, Lord Jesus? I cannot get to him. Disappointed, I walked to another section of the store.

I was moving slowly, knowing that the man was ready for salvation in Christ but there wasn’t anything that I could do, when suddenly, the man was walking towards me.

“Ahhh . . . excuse me sir.” He stopped right in front of me. He looked anxious. His eyes were sad and empty.

“I want to ask you. . . Do you know why all this is happening with the coronavirus?

“No, why?”

“Because Jesus is coming,” I said, searching his eyes for a response.

“That may be so. I have heard that some people have heard a sound in the heavens that they cannot describe or explain. It is really something,” he shared.

“That is very interesting,” I replied. “I was wondering . . . do you think you might be ready to give your life to Jesus? Do you think you may want to believe in Him as your Saviour?” I asked. His saddened eyes were fixed on mine.

I glanced around me to see if any customers were near. They were passing us by. I wondered if I would get through the conversation.

“I have no idea how to do that,” he answered.

“I can help you pray to ask Him. Would you like to do that?”

“Yes, of course. I would like this very much.”

I took one more look around. One customer had come very close and then passed us by.

“Let’s pray,” I said.

We prayed together as he gave his life to Jesus, asked for His forgiveness of his sins, and at His cross gave his life to Him for His glory.

His eyes were at peace. His anxiousness had left, and he was calm. “Thank you so very much!” He said.

“Thank you for listening,” I said. His eyes were now alive, and he was smiling. He shook my hand to thank me again. He was so joyful as he went on his way.

“Abba Father, by Your Spirit I knew that this man was ready to believe in Your Son. And when I was sad because I could not tell him about Him because of that acrylic wall, You caused Your Spirit to lead him my way to hear about You. He was so ready, Lord! Jesus, not even an acrylic wall can keep You from getting to the one the Father has drawn to You by Your Spirit. Oh, Holy Spirit, I am so grateful for your help. His eyes went from sorrow to joy! Thank You! I know, Lord, that at this time there are so many souls ready to be reaped! If we are not allowed to be out of our homes much, how can we get to them? In You, I am expectant that You will do what we will witness and rejoice! It is said that this coronavirus situation is unprecedented, Lord. But You can do what is unprecedented by Your Holy Spirit to humble us, your people, and prepare us for Your harvest of souls! I am waiting, Lord!”