“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” (Matthew 6:22, KJV)

I had not gotten my eyeglasses adjusted, because I had no idea if my back could take the long moments of sitting, since my spine is still healing from two hairline and one severe fracture. This has taken time.

But God—in His mercy, loving-kindness, and grace—has sustained me and is healing me moment by moment, day by day, as we and others are praying for me. To Jesus be all the glory, for He keeps His word and answers prayer.

My husband had to go to the optometrist to see about his eyeglasses. I joined him, hoping in the Lord and praying for the strength that I would need to make it out of the car, into the optometrist’s building and for the sitting that I would have to do.

The man who came to assist us was the manager. As he took a look at my husband’s glasses and gave suggestions and advice, he talked—with a sense of humor—about his family heritage, history, and parents. They were from Cuba. The three of us were laughing at the cultural humor he expressed.

He next began to work on adjusting my glasses. I had to explain that I had purchased my glasses at this place, but had not been in for an adjustment, due to my back. He said he understood and started to study my glasses and then placed them on my face for further adjustment. This is when I had the opportunity to look into his eyes. They seemed sincere, confident and curious. I studied them for a moment. I knew that he would be open to see the Light, Jesus, as his Saviour.

After he was done adjusting my glasses, I asked him, “What do you know about God?”

He turned his head to show us a scar on the side of his head and said, “I know that there is a God. My grandmother is very religious, and I know that she was the one who was praying for me.”

I said, “Well that scar is worth knowing the one who kept your life. Do you want to know who He is?”

He took a moment to think and repeated, “I know that there is a God.”

I responded, “Yes, there is. And He kept your life, and He would want you to know who He is, because when you die, you will go somewhere—heaven or hell. But, only through Him, will you go to heaven. Do you want to know who He is?”

He thought for a moment. “Yes, I do,” he said, seriously looking into my eyes.

“Would you like to pray now and talk with Him to ask Him to be the Saviour of your soul?” I asked and waited for his response. His whole attention was now on praying. I took a look around, and God was keeping the employees and customers away from the small area where we were sitting.

We started to pray. His eyes met mine, as he confessed Jesus as the Son of God who died and rose again, believed in Him as his Saviour, asked Him to to forgive him, and use his life for His glory. When we finished, he smiled with clear eyes and joyfully thanked me.

I told him, “He saved your life; now you can live for Him.”

He smiled widely and exclaimed, “Yes, I can!”

“Abba, Father, I had so much trouble seeing through my glasses, due to a needed adjustment. But, how was I going to take the long moments of sitting? This day was when You had my husband make a visit to the optometrist, because You had a soul ready for reaping. Jesus, You had this man ready to see You as who You are, Light of the World—Saviour. Thank You for Your strong hand on me to help me sit for the long moments, so that I was able, by Your Spirit, to tell him about You. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who not only led us there for eyeglass adjustments but also for an adjustment in knowing that the only way to heaven is through You.”