“I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour.” (Isaiah 43:11, KJV)

We were rushing through our errands and stopped at the grocery store. I quickly gathered a couple of items that we needed and went to check out. I thought, Hmmm? There is no one in that line. And the man at the cash register is a foreigner. I took a look at his nametag and asked how to say his name. He proudly said it for me.

I began to study him to see if he might be ready to believe in Jesus. I didn’t know what to say to start a conversation. While I was thinking of what to say, he said, “The weather is so nice, but it is going to get very hot in a couple of days.”

I said, “That goes to show that only God is in control of the weather. He holds it in His hands. No one has a say so.” He thought for a moment.

“Hmmm. That is right,” he said.

I asked, “Do you know that this God loves you?”

“He does?”

“Yes, He does. Would you like to know Him?”

Still no one had come behind me to check out, so I was not sure how far the conversation would go. He looked at me, smiled, and responded, “Yes, I would.”

“Do you want to know Him now?”

“Yes,” he responded.

“Okay, let’s pray and ask Him.”

We began to pray. He confessed Jesus as the Son of God who died and rose again. He asked for forgiveness for his sins and thanked Jesus for His love for him.

He was smiling so sweetly! He thanked me.

I told him, “You will be in Heaven. Nothing can take you out of His hands.”

I asked him, “Are you saved?”

“Yes,” he said.

“How do you know?”

“Because I believe in Jesus!”

I went to the car to join William. But then I thought that I would love to have a photo with him. I grabbed my iPhone and went back into the grocery store.

I approached him and asked him, “Where are you from?”

“From Nepal,” he answered.

I said, “Well now you know that all those gods in Nepal are not the true God.”

He smiled and said, “Yes, I know this now.”

I asked him, “Do you have a Bible?”

I was surprised that he said, “Yes.”

I asked him, “Where did you get a Bible?”

“A lady was telling me about it and she gave it to me.” Someone had been laboring for his soul! I suggested that he start reading the book of John. He took note of it. “Yes, I will.” His face looked determined and solid.

“May I take a photo with you?” He smiled and stood beside me. I asked a man standing by us to take the photo and thanked him.

As I was walking away, he said, “The book of John—yes, I will read it.” He was smiling with joy!

“Abba, thank You for the laborers in the harvest of souls and for the prayers they devote to You for those whom they have told about Your Son. One day, they will see the fruit of their labor in Heaven! Messiah, how jealous You are for souls! I can hardly contain Your presence after Your Holy Spirit tells a soul of You, and the angels reap it and all begin to rejoice! I am caught up in the presence of You and them. Abba, cause me to stand near You! Jesus, hold me in Your righteous right hand! Holy Spirit, take my tongue and cause it to speak with power of the Son of God, Saviour of Souls! Cause me to yell it out in boldness until my whole existence is in Jesus and His existence is in me, so that the souls around me sense Him coming! He’s coming!”