“That then the Lord thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the Lord thy God hath scattered thee.” (Deuteronomy 30:3, KJV)

We went to Israel a few days early to help me rest my spine and get over the jet lag before our meetings started.

The hotel in which we stayed offers an elaborate breakfast. On our first day visiting the breakfast area, the hostess approached me and said something, but her voice was at a whisper, so I did not hear what she said. I asked her to please repeat what she had said. Again she spoke in a whisper. I had to tell her that she spoke so softly that I could not understand her.

Finally, she spoke a little louder. She asked me if I wanted to be seated. The breakfast was a buffet, and I had not yet gotten anything. So I said, “Well, if you seat me right now, what will I eat? I have not gone to the buffet yet.”

“Oh yes, of course,” she responded. She seemed a little out of place.

This young woman was very attractive. She was tall and thin with beautiful, long black hair and the deepest blue eyes.

My husband and I got our food and took a seat. I wondered about the young hostess, as we enjoyed breakfast outside of the hotel, with a view of Jerusalem. I thought I might see her after our breakfast, but she was not around.

The next morning, she was the hostess again. She escorted me to the food area and asked me to please serve myself. It seemed to me that she must have been new at her job and learning.

After breakfast, on our way to the room, the hostess and I met in the middle of the food-serving area, and, though we had just a small conversation, it was impactful!

We talked about where we were from. She shared about her job. Then she started sharing about her life situation in Israel. She said that Israel was the center of the international world. She was a Jewish girl from the Ukraine. She talked about the Jews from all the world coming to live in Israel and all the languages that were spoken. She had a strong personality, yet was vulnerable in her new surroundings.

She told about her experience in getting her needed legal documents. “I had to renew my legal documents. I had a feeling that things were not going to go well. I just knew that this time things would not work out. I got very nervous. Suddenly, I got very still. I had a calmness and then I knew that things had turned around, and I was called in to get my approved documents to stay in Israel. I was so thankful. I still remember that sense that I experienced inside.”

As I listened to her, I thought that surely God was in this situation. I said, “You know that it was God. He’s been watching over you all this time.”

Her eyes set on mine. “I believe in this.”

I asked her, “Do you know the Son of God, Jesus, as your Saviour? He’s been working things out

for you, and He wants you to know Him.”

She said, “I want to know. How do I do this?”

I said, “You simply have to ask Him. Would you like to do that right now?”

Before I knew it, she had drawn so close to me that her face almost touched mine. “Yes, I want to do his.”

I asked her, “Are you sure that you are ready?”

She answered, “I am very ready!”

“Let’s pray,” I said.

We began to pray, as the people passed us by and others watched. She believed in Jesus as her Saviour, confessed her sin at His cross, and gave her life to Him. Before I could finish leading her in prayer, her arms were around me thanking me!

“I feel something inside of me. It is amazing! I can’t explain it. But it is beautiful! I have such a peace inside of me.”

I explained, “That is the Holy Spirit who has come to live inside of you. Jesus is in you now. He will  never leave you nor forsake you.”

Her eyes were sparkling with such joy! “I still feel this. There is peace. I am calm. Thank you!”

“Thank the Lord,” I said. I asked her if she had a Bible. She said that she did not.

We embraced for a moment, as people passed us by. I noticed that my husband was waiting out in the hallway. As I walked toward him, I had tears in my throat. I could not say anything. He knew that another Jewish soul was saved. All we could do was praise the Lord, as we walked to our room.

The next day, we happened to have a meeting at the office of a friend who is a Jewish believer from Estonia. He helps Jews from the Ukraine attain their legal documents to live in Israel. He offered to join us at the hotel to meet the young woman in case she needed assistance and also offered to introduce her to some young believers. He and his wife provide much help to people in need. He gave me a Bible for her.

The next morning, he met us at the hotel, had breakfast with us, and met the young woman.

We were thankful that she would have some support from other believers and help if she needed it.

“Abba, Father, I was so surprised that this young woman wanted to talk about what she had been experiencing. Already Your Spirit was drawing her to Your Son. Jesus, You were caring for her before she knew that it was You. How the Holy Spirit had already prepared her heart to believe in You! Thank You, Lord, that she had the courage to talk with me. And You sent another believer to help her if she needed it. Only You, Lord, had this all planned for this young new believer. You watch over the Jewish people, Lord, as the apple of Your eye. They are the stones on Your crown when they believe in You.  Here’s one more, King of the Jews! All glory to You, Holy Son of God, Jesus!”