“The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.” (Psalm 19:9, NKJV)

I had to rush to the grocery store. I quickly picked up what I needed. Seeing I was in a hurry, a young woman offered to help me check out. She was the supervisor and personally took care of me in the supervisor’s area.

I noticed she was wearing a cross on her necklace. I showed her my necklace, which has a Star of David on it. She smiled and said, “I like that!”

I said, “I like yours too. Do you know God?” She gave me a look of surprise. I asked her where she was from. She said she was from Ethiopia. I told her that I travel to Israel a lot and that many Ethiopians live there. She smiled and agreed that they do.

I continued my conversation about the cross. I said, “Jesus is the Son of God. He gave His life for you on the cross. Do you want to know Him?” She responded that she did and gave me a look of expectancy. I asked, “Would you like to know Him now?”

Her eyes grew wider. She said, “Yes.” I led her in prayer for her salvation in Christ and repentance of her sins and surrender of her life to Him for His glory. She looked straight into my eyes.

The second after we prayed, life and joy entered her. Her eyes were full of light. She placed her hand on her chest and said, “Oh my, this is powerful.” Her eyes were gleaming, full of amazement as the Spirit of God entered her to make His home in Christ in her heart. I almost started crying, as she stood there with her hand on her chest with her countenance changing through the glory of Christ revealing Himself to her personally and intimately.

“Abba, in moments of my hurrying, You were after a soul. For a moment, I didn’t know what to do. You were working so fast. My mind was on the errand. Yours was on that young woman’s heart in need of Your Son. Messiah, how is it that You bring such people from a far land to work at a grocery store to simply hear about salvation in You? They don’t know that the greatest privilege of living in this country is Your gospel. Spirit of God, You help in the moments when our minds are on our daily duties, and You are about the Son of God’s business—even when we don’t know it. And You direct and guide us to lives for their souls for eternity.”