“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” (John 14:3 KJV)

 I asked the Lord, “Who do you want me to tell about You, Jesus?” My eyes set on a young woman as I stepped near the cashier counter. She was big boned and tall. I thought she may be in her mid-twenties. As I drew closer, I noticed that her face was quite young, and she looked sad.

“Hello, how are you today?”

She took a quick glance in my direction and shrugged her shoulders as if to say, I don’t know.

“Are you staying safe during this virus pandemic?”

“I’m only eighteen. I am still in high school, and I live at home with my parents. No way they will ever let me go out when I shouldn’t.” She spoke with endearment.

“It is so sweet to live at home with caring and loving parents.”


“What do you think about what is happening?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know.”

“Would you like for me to tell you what is happening?”


“Jesus is coming. He’s preparing us for His return.”

She looked into my eyes for a moment and then continued to ring up the grocery items. “You have to believe in Him and know Him as the Son of God who died for you on the cross for your sins and mine.”

She looked into my eyes again.

“This situation may come to an end, but there will be another and another, because Jesus’s return is near. You must know Him as the personal Saviour of your soul to be sure you will be in heaven one day.”

I waited for her response as she started to place the groceries in bags.

“You are old enough to make your own decision. Would you like for me to pray with you to ask Him to be your Saviour?”

She started to place the items in the cart. Would she want to continue this conversation? A customer was now in line behind me. “Lord, please help me finish this,” I whispered.

The young woman paused for a moment and looked at me.

“Are you ready to pray?”


I looked at the customer behind me and then at the young woman, who was waiting for me to begin praying.  “Lord, please keep the customer behind me patient and quiet.”

“Okay, let’s pray.”

We started praying. She believed in Jesus as the Son of God. She thanked Him for His love for her. She confessed that He died and rose again, believing this in her heart and confessing it with her mouth. She asked Him for forgiveness of her sins at the cross and gave her life to Him for His use and glory.

She smiled big. “Thank you!”

“Thank the Lord Jesus Christ. You are now in His hands, and no one can take you out of them—not even you!” She smiled bigger.

“Have you a Bible?”

“Yes. I have one at home.”

She started to serve the next customer as we talked about reading the Bible.

“Thank you so much!” Her eyes looked so bright and sweet. Jesus, her Saviour, had come to make His home in her heart.

She now not only has a home with her parents but also a new eternal home with Jesus in her heart. Glory!

There may be a pandemic virus, but because of it there is a spiritual pandemic for souls!

“Abba, Father, it is very difficult to take the risk to be out and around people right now. I thank You, Lord Jesus, that we can still go to the grocery store. It’s the only place I can go to tell about You. Holy Spirit, please bring those whom God is drawing to His Son in front of those who know you, at the grocery stores, in the neighborhood, or wherever else other believers are taking the risk to go. Please cause them to be a witness for You. We need Your help, Lord. Protect us as we take the risk to tell about you during this pandemic virus and help us stay focused on the pandemic of souls that You are calling to salvation in You, Jesus!”