“In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou wilt answer me.” (Psalm 86:7, KJV)

 After we had looked at two shoe stores, where the attendants in each store prayed and were saved, my husband wanted to look at a store for a travel shoulder bag for him. At this point, my back was in much discomfort. I walked in the store with him and looked at a couple of bags with him.

My back just couldn’t take anymore walking or standing, so I told my husband I was going to sit on the bench outside and wait for him. It was a hot day and he had taken a bit longer in the store than I expected, so I went back into the store to get away from the heat.

He was already purchasing the bag. The attendant who was standing next to the checkout counter was an Asian man. While I waited for my husband to finish with the purchase of the bag, I started a conversation with this man. We talked about shoes, and he suggested another shoe store that carried very comfortable shoes. He gave me some technical information about the shoes and said he was wearing a pair from that store. My husband walked over and joined us in the conversation. We then talked about shoulder bags and shoes.

I mentioned to the man that I had to wear shoes with a flat heel and that I was praying for God to lead us to the right ones. Then I asked him, “Do you talk to God?”

He said, “Sometimes.”

I said, “Well, if you want Him to listen to you and answer you, you must know Him. Do you know Him?”

“Kind of,” he responded.

“What do mean kind of? Do you want to know Him for sure? All you have to do is ask Him. He will not deny you.”

“Well, there is something in my life that keeps me from that,” he explained.

“Sin?” I asked.

“Well, I think that we all have some,” he said.

“We do. And I confess my sin to the Lord every day,” I shared. Determined to share Christ with him, I continued, “Listen, the one thing that you have to know is that when you die your body will go in the ground, but you—your soul—is going somewhere. And you can only choose where you will go when you are alive. You can’t do it when you are dead.”

“Something happened in my life that was unexpected, and it has changed everything in my life,” he shared.

“You see how I am bent, and I can’t stand straight? This was unexpected, and it has changed a lot in my life. But I trust that Jesus will make me straight again. He is the only one who can do it. Whatever it is in your life, you can talk to Him about it and He will help you.”

He looked at me very seriously. He thought for a couple of minutes; meanwhile, I was asking the Lord to help me continue.

“Would you like to ask Jesus to be your Saviour now?”

I didn’t know what he was going to say. I thought maybe he would say, “Not right now.” But, to my surprise, he answered, “Yes, I would.”

We prayed together, and Jesus entered his heart by the Holy Spirit, and right after praying, this man had joy all over him! He was smiling and thanking me!

My husband and I rejoiced with him and encouraged him to read the Bible and get to know the God who now lived inside of him.

“Abba Father, I had walked out of the store, but the heat of the day made me walk back in. You had been drawing a soul to Your Son. Jesus, You surprised me with His salvation and the joy that Your Holy Spirit filled him with, as he confessed You as his Saviour!”