“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10 KJV)

What could I say to the young woman in front of me? She was very nervous and distraught. I could tell that she was Hispanic. She was wearing one of those Middle East occult charms on her necklace. This has spread to so many countries! I was surprised that she was wearing it because most Hispanics wear a Catholic charm.

I looked at her nametag and addressed her by name. “How are you?”


“Are you nervous because of all that is happening?”

“Yes, kind of.”

“You have a pretty Hispanic name. Who gave this name to you?”

“It was my grandmother’s name.”

“That is very special.”

She took the tortilla package from the cashier counter and placed it in the bag.

“I guess you know how to make these?”

“I remember that since I was nine years old, I had to make tortillas.” She smiled nervously.

I believed she really knew all about making homemade tortillas. Hispanics make the very best! And because she started making them at the age of nine, I knew she had the skill to make them ever so delicious!

“Oh my, that was at an early age. I bet they tasted so good!”

“Yes, that was what I had to do. My grandmother made me.”

“I know that making them was hard work. You were very blessed to learn how to make them. Some day I would like to taste them!”

“Yes, it was. That would be nice.” She smiled, but fear was in her eyes.

One can spend a couple of hours rolling out small balls of tortilla dough and placing them on a hot iron skillet while others devour them.  At a young age, this woman had labored in this to help her family.

The short conversation about tortillas opened her heart for me to share Jesus with her.

“Do you understand why the virus is happening?” I asked her.

“No, I don’t.” Her eyes looked confused.

I looked at that charm. “Lord, You know how that practice is awful. I don’t even like being near it. But since she is Hispanic, I know her grandmother was probably a Catholic, so she has heard the name of Jesus. She is so lost and afraid. Please help me.”

“Would you like to know?”

She hesitated. “Yes, I would.”

“This is all happening because it is another sign that Jesus is coming again soon.”

She was silent. I waited for her response. Then she nodded yes.

“Do you think you may want to believe in Jesus?” She looked so distraught. “I can pray with you if you like.”

She was silent. Again, I waited.

“You can do this. You really can. You will then know Jesus as your Saviour. He loves you. Would you like to know Him?”


“Let’s pray.”

She prayed very sweetly, thanking Jesus for His love for her. She believed in Him as her personal Saviour, asked for forgiveness of her sins at His cross, and gave her life to Him to be used for His glory.

“Now you are His. He will never leave you nor forsake you.”

“Thank you very much.” She was smiling sweetly.

The look in her eyes was that of relief. I was relieved as well. We talked about reading the Bible, and she thanked me again.

The next time I saw her she was at a distance, taking off her apron and rushing to leave. I noticed she was no longer wearing the necklace.

“Abba, Father, people are so distraught because of what is happening due to the Coronavirus. Not much can be said except to tell about Your Son. Jesus, I know we must be about telling others about You because You are coming soon. You used a package of tortillas to help me tell this young woman about You. Please, Holy Spirit, help us to be about God’s business of the gospel. We don’t want to be face-to-face with the lost here on this earth, then face-to-face with You and tell You, Jesus, that we didn’t open our mouths for Your Spirit to speak through us. Help us, Father God.”