Salvation Stories Archive2020-03-14T10:42:06-04:00

Will Not Deny Your Request

We were on our way to the airport in Sydney for our flight to Townsville, Australia. The taxi driver and my husband were having a conversation. I was observing the driver and wondered where he was from. His face was very stern. I looked at his photo ID that was on the car’s dashboard. He looked strong but unhappy. As the conversation continued with him and my husband, we learned that He was from Russia and is a Jew. I [...]

I Just Had To Hug You

We finished speaking at a conference in Colorado. We were catching a flight. The plane was small. The flight attendant looked very professional and classy in her airline uniform. And when she spoke over the intercom, her voice was kind. Before we landed, she wished everyone a good day and said, “God bless you.” Since that was not the usual message, as we were deplaning, I thanked her and told her that I liked that she said, “God bless you.” [...]

Your Mind Can Only Go So Far

We were on a flight. My husband was sitting in the middle seat on one row, and I was in the middle seat of the row across the aisle. As a young Asian lady started to sit on the window seat next to my husband, he looked at me and asked me if I would like to exchange seats with him. I knew what he was thinking: this might be a soul for Christ. So, we exchanged seats. The young [...]

You Have To Ask Him Once

I was in a hurry.  I wanted to buy some flowers for our host before we left the city where we were staying and my husband was working. We stopped by the store, and I searched for just the right flowers. I noticed a plant that had the loveliest white flowers. I recalled that she had a small one that had not yet grown. This one was full grown and beautiful. I love white flowers, because they remind me of [...]

Why Should I Talk With Your Neighbor?

We were helping William’s assistant move to a new place in the D.C. area. He was concerned about the salvation of the neighbors whom he had been trying to reach for Jesus. There was one specific neighbor who lived right across from his place. William’s assistant looked at me rather seriously and said, “Claudia, my neighbor is down the hallway. I thought you might talk with him.” My thought was, “Why should I talk with him? You can continue to [...]

Two Apple Assistants With Faces Of Joy

We are at the Apple store, and one of the assistants is helping us with our purchase. We start having a little chat about how long he has been working there. I then go to a Mac and pull up the website of the church we attend. He takes a good look at it. Then, I pull up our website. He studies it for a few minutes. Afterwards, I ask him about his own relationship with God. He doesn’t have much to say, so I begin to tell him about [...]

The Fear That Comes On Religious Jews

“It is the first time that I have ever believed in anything in my whole life! … I live my life for Him. Thank you, praise our Lord in Heaven Jesus Christ. I kissed your tomb and lied on the floor and begged for your love because you rose again to give me eternal life and kept me from hell … I love His Word. It is powerful when I read it. I want to be immersed (baptized.) Jesus, my Savior, I [...]

The Car’s Lighter

The day was very hot! We were going to drive to another state, but, first, had to run some errands. My husband tested the car’s cigarette lighter to see if it worked, so we could charge our iPhone while we drove. It did not work. We went to the car dealership. The place was packed with customers, so cars were lined up for service. We wondered if we would make it out of town in time. My husband decided to [...]

Stay Where You Are Or Return To Your Homeland

We were recently checking into our hotel in Sydney, Australia. The hotel reservationist was a young woman from Ecuador.  Since I speak Spanish, we began to talk about the cultural differences she had to adjust to as she made her home in Australia. Since we arrived early in the morning, our room was not ready, so we had to wait in the lobby for a couple of hours. The reservationist was very hospitable. She had coffee and treats served to [...]

Star of David Golden Retriever

Star (of David), our Golden Retriever, had her six-month comprehensive check-up. After we picked her up, she was still drowsy from all the shots and the work-up that was done on her. After a couple of hours, she began to eat, but started choking and hyperventilating. We thought that it was because she had eaten her food too fast. As we held her, then watched for a while, she started hyperventilating again and heaving. I called the veterinarian to tell [...]


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