Salvation Stories Archive2020-03-14T10:42:06-04:00

I Whispered In Her Ear

We’re looking for a farmers market near our home instead of driving out to the country. We had with us our Golden Retriever, Star of David. We learned of a market that is at an outside mall. As we were approaching the market, several people wanted to pet Star. One young adult girl asked if she could pet our dog. She stayed for a while and talked about being a double business major in North Carolina. She said she was [...]

I Could Hardly Open My Mouth

I felt the enemy coming against me as we were driving to the grocery store, I told my husband and we began to pray. We did our grocery shopping. As we approached the cashier, I was still not free of the enemy’s hindrance, so I was having some trouble concentrating on who to tell about Jesus. I looked that the cashier. We greeted each other. I knew that he was not ready for Salvation. In an unexpected moment a young man [...]

Gets On One Knee At A Restaurant

While on a ministry trip, we stop at a restaurant in the city where we are staying. After we are seated by the hostess, a waiter comes to let us know he will be taking care of our order. The waiter is a young man. I ask him how he is. He responds that he is wonderful, but he doesn’t look up. I say to him, “Are you sure?” He moves the table coasters and says, “Yeah, I am.” He [...]

Broken Eye Glasses

My husband’s eyeglasses broke, and he needed a new pair right away. We went to an eyeglass store. I had eyeglasses that needed adjusting, so I talked with an attendant and then the manager to see about my need. Meanwhile, the attendant who first assisted me was helping my husband. I walked over to where my husband was to help him choose a new frame. None seemed to be the right fit or style. I looked at the attendant’s nametag. [...]

A Loss To Gain The One Who Paid A High Price

We boarded a flight in Washington, D.C. to California. As soon as we were settled in our seats, a young woman asked if she could take the seat beside me. Though I hadn’t taken a look at her, the thought of my heart was, “This is a good one, God.” She settled into her seat. We started a conversation about our reasons for our travel to California. She then shared some of her life experiences. She had a background in [...]


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